Mentoring & Volunteering Committee


  • Chair: Vacant 


The Mentoring & Volunteering Committee helps initiate a relationship between veteran and newer members of the Society as a gateway to professional development.  The committee also helps assign interested volunteers with our various committees, SISs and special projects.

Are you interested in volunteering with LLSDC?  Please fill out our LLSDC Volunteer Form!  A member of the committee will reach out to you about next steps.

Guidelines for Mentors

This program is patterned after AALL’s Mentor Project and is intended to provide an informal and personal source of information and support to newer LLSDC members, introducing them to the Society and other LLSDC members. We hope it will also be a way to provide new networking opportunities for both new and experienced LLSDC members.  Whether or not you participate in the AALL mentor program you can still be an LLSDC mentor.  This program is for our local colleagues.

Some tips:

  • Be sure to contact your mentee by phone or email.
  • Let your mentee know when he or she can contact you, and in what format.
  • As much as possible, keep up with your mentee by contacting them periodically  throughout the year, if only to say “Hi, How are you doing?”
  • Mention the many benefits of being a member of LLSDC and encourage them to come to one or more of our meetings; encourage them also to join a Special Interest Section. Better yet, invite them to go with you and introduce them to other LLSDC members!
  • Arrange at least one in-person meeting, whether over lunch or coffee or a lunch hour walk. Invite some of your LLSDC friends to attend too!

You will receive an email from the committee matching you with your mentee. Please contact them within one week and arrange an informal meeting with them.

If you would like to have a mentor, be a mentor, or have any questions, please contact [email protected].